Thursday, November 6, 2008

Simple Pleasures...

Today I picked Isaac up from school and he was so excited to sit in the front seat of Kevin's car... he discovered the mirror on the visor and has a blast looking in it, "watching a movie" in it, and just generally pretending about the mirror. It's so fun to watch kids grow and for them to be excited about the things in life that we as adults take for granted.

Isaac in Car

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Let-down

2008 Electoral Map Pictures, Images and Photos

Well, Election 2008 is officially over (for the most part). I am saddened that we as a nation chose to elect a leader whose morals are so diametrically opposite what America traditionally stands for. I will, however, support Barak Obama as the President of the United States. I believe that is my responsibility as a citizen of this country and as a follower of Jesus Christ. In Romans 13:1 Paul says that we must submit ourselves to the governing authority, as God has placed it there. In my human eyes I cannot see the plan that my God has in this situation, but I am confident that he will reveal it in time. We, as believers in Christ, must also pray for Mr. Obama as it says in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. I believe that our leaders need our prayer now more than ever, to bring unity and morality and prosperity back to our nation.

As a student of history, this election has been interesting to watch... with Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin shattering the glass ceiling and Mr. Obama slamming through the racial barrier. History books will have to be re-written and no longer can anyone, white, black, Hispanic, woman or man say that they cannot achieve anything they set out to do. (Random Trivia: we have had a Native American serve as vice president of our country... Charles Curtis was Herbert Hoover's second-in-command from 1929-1933.) Needless to say, the historicity of this election is incredible!